Home Flying clubs Unable to maintain VFR. Part 2

Unable to maintain VFR. Part 2

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Early morning in Gørløse gliding club… It was calm, and the birds were singing…

I came in a hope of being able to fly OY-9478 back home to EKML. Flemming was preparing a hearty breakfast for the ones that would arrive later, and spend their Sunday in the hangars working on gliders for the upcoming season.

Glenn was the first one to arrive, and he was awarded with a plate full of crispy fried bacon:

I had a soft-boiled egg whilst checking the weather:

And then I helped Flemming in the kitchen:

It looked like there would be a fairly good chance to fly between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Glenn helped me to pull the aeroplane out, and after the check I started engine:

Run-up completed; I taxied to the RWY28, and took off:

Before heading for EKML, I did a couple of rounds and evaluated the weather conditions. There was mist in the air, and fog in some places; clouds in the north, and clear in the south – where I needed to fly to. I decided it was safe to continue.

I sent my warm and grateful thoughts to all those pilots from the Gørløse gliding club who helped me, for their kind attention, quick solutions, and congenial hospitality.

The visibility was good, but there still was fog on the ground that made it challenging to navigate at times.

I was glad I could fly the OY-9478 home. At home, our new pilot students were going for training flights with their instructors. I landed at 10 a.m. and they all were very happy – to see me, and to have an aircraft for training. Many of my club mates called me Saturday afternoon when they saw how bad the weather became and realized I didn’t come back. They offered their help with whatever I needed, and I was grateful for that.

OY-9478 was taken to the air immediately, and soon after Bjarne and his student took off as well:

This beautiful model aeroplane from our neighboring model aircraft club was also in the air. I had a chat with its owner, and watched it doing aerobatics:

My mission to fly the OY-9478 back home was completed.

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