Home Flying clubs Training flight

Training flight

by Natalie Kjaergaard

We had such a nice late summer weather during first half of September, but the fall is approaching quickly, with its early nights, golden leaves, and coziness. Soon it won’t be possible to take a flight after work…

I asked Lars whether he wanted to do some light training with me on one of those nice evenings, and we took off; the sun was hiding behind the clouds, it was calm and beautiful:

We found a place with lots of fields outside residential areas:

And did some turns there, together with other maneuvers:

Combining training practice with pleasure was also good; we appreciated the beauty of our planet from air:

The views were breathtaking:

I felt that I brushed up my skills – and it was fun to do it with a much more experienced pilot, like Lars:

We hoped to see the sunset, and were lucky:

Dinner at the club house and de-briefing:

It was a nice warm evening, probably the last one of that kind, before the autumn rains hit… And a couple of hours in the air were simply fantastic – every pilot would understand me.

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