Home Flying clubs New gadget

New gadget

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Well, not exactly! I should have probably given this blogpost another title, something like “old wine in new bottles” 🙂 I just bought a new GoPro suction cup that could be mounted outside, and wanted to test it:

I set my GoPro up on different parts of my Aeroprakt and saw what worked best. During the breaks, I flew my drone:

And took drone photos of my club mates. Anders, enjoying the sunshine from a chair in his hangar:

The Aviator was flying with me. He had missed his co-pilot seat, and was very happy to get back into it:

We did a round over the Korevlerne – a lagoon in the middle of two sand reefs on the west coast of Odsherred. It is always so beautiful from air, especially in the sunlight:

Korevlerne is an area that was under water for a long time until it emerged for about 100 years ago after a violent storm. There are wild animals, rare plants and a nature that consists of sand dunes, coastal lagoons, beach meadows and swamps. I have also visited it on foot on several occasions.

It was nice to have the time to take-off and land, have a small break and do it again:

The weather was calm and sunset – peaceful:

Last landing that evening, with the hangars in the background:

It was a lovely evening in my flying club; good chats with my club mates, a little bit of flying and some small hangar work. Pure pleasure!

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Erik Lyngholm Pedersen 14 October 2021 - 09:11

Fantastiske billeder! Har du kameraer monteret flere steder på flyet?
Med stor flyverhilsen

Natalie Kjaergaard 14 October 2021 - 22:26

Tak, Erik! Jeg kun har én kamera, og prøvede at få den monteret forskellige steder, for at se, hvor det bliver bedst. Konklusionen var, at det afhænger af lys.

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