Home Flying clubs Men & their toys

Men & their toys

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Vintage aircraft fly-in in my flying club in Holbæk is always a big event. It was first time this year we had it, quite late – due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Kenneth Maigaard, our event manager, is excellent in organising these fly-ins. This time was no exception; the weather was perfect, and we expected many visitors (photo by Kenneth):

When I arrived after work around 5 p.m. there was already full house:

There were many guests, and kids enjoyed to see the aircraft so close, and some of them even tried to sit in a pilot’s seat. (Photo below: Kenneth Maigaard)

Different aircraft were coming and leaving, some did local flights, others – aerobatics. Thomas, a Danish pilot living in Sweden, came with his newly bought Cessna 150 (photo by Kenneth Maigaard):

I used this chance to invite Jeevan, a colleague of mine, to my flying club, so that he could experience the spirit of aviation world when its best. We also wanted to go flying together, so we didn’t wait long, and went to my hangar. Jeevan helped to pull my Aeroprakt out:

We flew around for about one hour, took some pictures, and enjoyed the views:

After landing me memorised the moment of happiness:

On the ground, pilots, aircraft, guests, all were one big and joyful crowd:

Passing by this beautiful duo (T-17 and KZ-II), photo by Kim B. Lauridsen, I stopped to take some photos, and Henrik asked me whether I wanted to go for a flight in his irresistible KZ-II:

Though we had talked about it for a while – to go flying in his KZ-II or/and in mine Aeroprakt – I considered it as a once in a life time offer, and Henrik didn’t have to ask twice. I jumped into his son’s Alexander flight suit:

We moved the KZ-II forward, preparing for the engine start:

Kim helped me to get in, and to get all this cool gear on:

Henrik started the engine:

And together with T-17, we lined up on runway 10 for take-off (photo by Kim B. Lauridsen). In T-17, there was Kim L. Frandsen, the pilot who otherwise arrived to the fly-in in a Chipmunk, together with Hans Hammer, another pilot:

We flew in a very close formation, and it was so beautiful, and so perfect:

A couple of turns, and a low pass in a formation:

We played in the air for some time, and it was simply an unbelievable experience! Photo by Kenneth Maigaard:

Our landing – and I wished we’d fly forever:

After parking, Henrik and I sat there for a while, and re-lived the wonderful moments of our flying.

I was completely overwhelmed – it was no doubt my best flying experience so far. I deeply admired Henrik and Kim for their skills, and thought that I wanted to get on a formation flying course, and learn it.

The day was going to an end. I wasn’t much on the ground that evening, because I was flying all the time – either myself or with Henrik. Jeevan and Flemming kindly waited for me to have dinner together:

A beautiful cloud mass covered the airfield, and Kim B. Lauridsen (or Kenneth Maigaard?) took this stunning photo of Kim L. Frandsen in his Chipmunk:

The aircraft began flying back home, but many guests stayed till the very end.

Kenneth with his newly bought vintage bird, one more to his great collection (all in airworthy condition!):

It was a truly remarkable day! Many thanks to Kenneth for organising, and for keeping the spirit of aviation in our flying club high!

Join us for the next vintage aircraft fly-in at the following dates: 16th July, 13th August, and 10th September 2020.

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