Home Flying clubs KZVII OY-ABL


by Natalie Kjaergaard

My blog post number 100 is going to be about flying KZVII, a Danish veteran aircraft.

Kenneth heard I was considering flying a historic taildragger, and he invited me on a flight in his beautiful KZVII.

KZVII was designed by Viggo Kramme and Karl Gustav Zeuthen, and built in Denmark shortly after the WWII. The maiden flight was on the 11th November 1946. In total 56 aircraft were built by Skandinavisk Aero Industri, and another 22 partially completed aircraft were destroyed in a factory fire in 1947. The Danish Air Force operated 10 of the type as trainers between 1950 and 1977. (Source: http://all-aero.com/index.php/5716-kramme-a-zeuthen-kzvii)

I’ve heard only about 8 of these wonderful aircraft are operated in Denmark today, and Kenneth is one of these lucky and responsible owners that keep the Danish aviation tradition on wings.

The trimming is easy, and than Kenneth can just seat laid back and enjoy the flight.

Low pass over the Holbæk airfield, home to OY-ABL:

A couple of turns:

I did a couple of them too, though not as steep as Kenneth’s:

A round over Holbæk:


Continental motor is a very reliable one, you can trust it. Holbæk fjord:

It was a great fun to fly this aircraft, and to experience its performance. Many thanks to Kenneth for introducing me to the world of vintage tailwheel! A pilot and his toy:

We also visited Andelslandsbyen Nyvang that day, but that place deserves a separate post.

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