Home Events Kræmmersten fly-in

Kræmmersten fly-in

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Undløse flying club is a relatively small private club for ultralight aircraft pilots with base in Kræmmersten, where we make use of Helge’s two runways. On the 4th November we organised a members only fly-in. Boye was the first one to arrive, in his Bingo:

And Carl Ove followed shortly after Boye in his Savannah:

From left to right: Peter, Carl, Thore, Natalie, Carl Ove, John, Vagn, and Aksel (Boye was taking photo, and Helge joined us later):

The morning was beautiful, sunny and a bit cold:

Vagn received a huge bottle of wine from Carl, and was very happy:

We grilled meat for lunch. In the beginning it didn’t go as expected, but our men quickly found a solution:

After spending some time for engine talks,

we moved to our club house. With Helge at the head of the table:

Vagn prepared his famous “Vagn-salad”, I did crêpes:

We are glad to have our small club house (which is a wooden shed) – it is perfect for our alcohol-free parties:

After lunch, I asked Boye for a tour in his Bingo that was built by John Carlsen, a member of our flying club, some years ago. John is known as one of the founders of ultralight flying sport in Denmark. When Boye saw this aircraft on sale, he bought it immediately, without having a trial flight or inspecting the aircraft before buying.

We just flew around, and enjoyed flying this aircraft, and the beautiful autumn’ colours:

Turning on final:

Helge’s farm and the runway:

A front was approaching, and people needed to fly home. It was a very nice day together, as always!

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