Home Flying clubs First Kræmmersten fly-in 2017

First Kræmmersten fly-in 2017

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Kræmmersten is a privately owned general aviation aerodrome with four runways of 200 – 250 meters LDA. It is located in Kræmmerstenshuse, a small place in Holbæk area, hence the name Kræmmersten, or KMS for a shorter version. It is a home for Undløse flying club which I joined last year. Helge Christensen – the owner of the aerodrome and the chairman of the club – invited us yesterday to the first fly-in this year. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t for flying, and the fly-in turned to be drive-in but that didn’t spoil the pleasure of spending time together. In fact, we stayed longer – due to the delicious food prepared for us by Helge’s wife and their daughter, and because we didn’t have to fly home before the sunset.

Welcome speech

Helge’s pink pig was a great fun to play with 🙂

Peter and Vagn

We played different games between the courses, also in teams:

Nina and Helge

Don’t forget the traditional Danish snaps!


Helge prepared many fun games for us, and we could win prizes. I also won one!

Vagn and Helge before the dice play

It was good to meet again, to catch up with the latest news, to chat about Rotax 🙂 and to relax.

With Thore

It was a very nice day together, and many thanks to Helge, Liz, and Ulla for arranging it!


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