Home Flying trips Appreciating the sunset in Sälvik

Appreciating the sunset in Sälvik

by Natalie Kjaergaard

I took off in the afternoon, looking forward to the nice sunny weekend ahead:

The planning wasn’t easy – there were rains, winds, thunderstorms, the grass runways were wet and even closed in some airports. In Fjällbacka, it looked good for an ultralight, and I was glad to fly there. The first flight, however, was to Höganäs, where I was going to have a break and wait for the rain ahead of my journey to move away:

In Denmark, the weather was nice, but crossing over to Sweden, the clouds became lower and lower:

In Höganäs, there was so much water on the runways! I had no problems landing, but was splashing big waves taxiing to apron. The pilots from the club advised me to park on the asphalt, so that my Aeroprakt wouldn’t sink.

I monitored the weather on the big screen in the club house:

Soon it became better in the western part of Sweden (picture on the left), whereas on the eastern side there were heavy thunderstorms (picture on the right):

My second flight was to Fjällbacka, a lovely town by the sea:

There were surprisingly many shower rains on my way, and sometimes I had to zigsag between them:

The headwind made my journey longer than anticipated, and I was happy to see Fjällbacka when it finally appeared:

Last time I visited Fjällbacka was last year together with Niklas, a pilot-friend from Sweden. Read more here.

The village of Sälvik south of Fjällbacka, where I was going to stay:

Veddö nature reserve, which we explored together with Niklas last year (read more here):

I had decided, that this time I would go to the new places, though it was very tempting to revisit e.g. Veddö…

Parking, canopy cover on, bike – and I was ready to go:

Fjällbacka welcomed me with sunshine and its charming houses:

Soon I was in Sälvik, and knocked on the door of my B&B:

It was a nice house, and together with another guest we were welcome to use all rooms:

The room I stayed in was on the first floor and it was so increadibly small, I was happy I travelled alone!

My favourite room in the house, with a view:

The sun was setting down, and I hurried up to the sea, to have a swim:

It was so wonderful to get into the water after hours of flying!

The cliffs on the photo above were calling, and I went there to appreciate the sunset:

The day after I was going to the Weather Islands (Väderöarna)!

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