Home Flying clubs An ordinary evening in Holbaek flying club

An ordinary evening in Holbaek flying club

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Tuesday evening last week I came by my flying club in Holbæk, and some of our aircraft were out. OY-AFD had found new owners and a new home in Freeslev, and was re-fuelling.

We also had guests visiting in a Chipmunk:

And in a T-17 trainer:

Henrik in his KZ-II was flying formation together with the pilots from Chipmunk and T-17.

Flemming helped me with preparing my Aeroprakt for a flight:

Anders and Boye were also out in the air:

Flemming and I went for a short local flight. Hundested from 2000 feet:

The skies were dramatic:

It is so beautiful to fly at this time of the year, with all those screaming-yellow rasp fields:

Holbæk city in the sunset light:

We just flew around and enjoyed the views…

It was a calm and peaceful evening:

One more wonderful day was coming to an end…

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