Home Flying clubsAlbatros Copenhagen Ultralight Flying Academy

Copenhagen Ultralight Flying Academy

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Albatros flying club was established in 1987. Since then, many ultralight aircraft pilots have been trained in its Copenhagen Ultralight Flying Academy (CUFA). Recently, a new group of students successfully completed the theoretical part of the education, and we celebrated it with a get-together. The evening began with a grill in front of a hangar, with the view to our runway and aircraft:

Jørgen, who is responsible for the education in our club, handed over diplomas to all students, and explained how the practical training is going to unfold.

Then I was asked to make a draw, in order to make it more fair for the upcoming pilots to select a flight instructor.

Frederik explained about maintenance of our club aircraft, and showed many nice photos:

Bjarne informed about the rules for take-off, landing, and flying over the airfield and the neighbouring areas:

The evening went quickly in a good company, and we enjoyed spending time together on this remarkable occasion.

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