Home Flying clubsAlbatros Aircraft maintenance check in Albatros flying club

Aircraft maintenance check in Albatros flying club

by Natalie Kjaergaard

This week one of the aircraft in our flying club was scheduled for periodic inspection.

Seven persons met up to get the job done. Ole checked all hidden corners:

Thomas, our chef maintenance engineer, was a great source of knowledge and shared it happily with others:

Whilst Rasmus was inspecting the aircraft from underneath, Thore was threatening me with his drill pointing it at me like a gun. He thought I never saw a drill before… Ha ha!  

The weather was sunny but cold: +5C and harsh wind. The only place where one could stay relatively warm was a couple of meters in a sunny spot in the hangar.  Lesley, our certified inspector from DULFU, was taking rest there knowing everything will be done with great care.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team were freezing outside checking magnets, motor, oil filter, and so on… On the photo below Frederik, Thomas and Rasmus are changing oil.

Happy inspector is good for your aircraft. I think Lesley truly enjoyed working with us:

The aircraft is  signed  off and ready to fly again. Many thanks to all participating!

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