Home Flying clubsAlbatros A perfect Friday afternoon

A perfect Friday afternoon

by Natalie Kjaergaard

I worked till 10 p.m. yesterday to make sure I could leave the office around noon today, and go flying. I didn’t regret – the weather was perfect.

David Worthington was also going for a flight. We helped each other to prepare our aircraft.

Our neighborhood from the air:

And our airfield EKLM in Måløv, under the snow… The yellow stippled line is the runway, our famous 280 meters:

I did a landing, to figure out how the sunlight would affect a landing on RWY27 later. It is long time ago I filmed my landings, so it was fun. Over the roundabout in approx. 200 feet, 45 kts:

It was beautiful with the snow here and there:

I was happy; had a headache when I arrived to EKML, but it disappeared as soon as I was airborne:

Orø island and its harbour:

I landed in Holbæk, and the only pilot I met there was Kenneth Maigaard:

We had a short chat, and I also took this photo of Kenneth taxiing to hangar in his gorgeous L-4:

Beautiful long shadows north of Holbæk airfield:

I just flew around and enjoyed all these marvellous views:

A ferry between Orø and Hammer Bakke:

Life was wonderful again. I wanted to see the sunset from air, and circled above Roskilde Fjord, patiently waiting and being grateful for every second of it:

And around 16:20 I turned back for home.

Landing after the sunset was quite pleasant for the eyes. I saw lights in the offices and residential buildings, lights from cars on the roads… David waited for me, and helped again with pulling the aircraft into the hangar, and with closing the gate. He also enjoyed his flight – we quickly exchanged our experiences before leaving our flying club. What a wonderful day!


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