Home Flying clubsAlbatros A disappointment flight?

A disappointment flight?

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Yesterday Martin – a friend from my early days as a glider pilot – and I planned a flying trip to Sweden.

The weather forecast promised 2500 SCT but it didn’t look like that. After waiting for an hour we cancelled our flight plan, and thought we could go for a flight over Copenhagen instead of.

As soon as we took off, we could see it would be impossible due to low cloud base and poor visibility.

So we just flew a bit around, and after concluding that we cannot fly higher than 1000 ft returned back home.

Lots of dogs and their owners were practising near my home airfield – that was quite disturbing on final, and I had to do two go-arounds.

We could call it a disappointment flight, but were happy to be airborne anyway. It was also nice to meet with Martin, and to have a flight together. We spent many wonderful days in our glider club in Gørløse learning flying gliders, doing maintenance work in cold hangars during winter time, watching sunsets from air, and celebrating successes of our fellow pilots going solo or just making a nice landing.

There will be a better weather another time.

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