Home Flying tripsDenmark Spring on Endelave island

Spring on Endelave island

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Last Sunday was really spring-like, warm and sunny, with temperatures up to +18C. I asked Vagn whether he wanted to spend an afternoon on Endelave island – he did, and we quickly agreed on timing. When I arrived to Kræmmersten, the apron looked crowded:

Boye did some landings in his beautiful trike:

He even waived to me at take-offs:

I think Boye could do aerobatics in his trike if he would – so good he is at flying it.

Vagn and I also took off and headed for Endelave:

It was very misty, and we talked whether we should return back home. Vagn suggested to continue till the tip of Rosnæs. If we’d be able to see the island of Samsø from there, we continue to Endelave, if not – return. I agreed; we got Samsø in sight, and flew further to Endelave.

Endelave was full of flowers:

Vagn is always very thorough when choosing bikes:

I picked up a kids’ one – suitable for my size!

We biked to the town. The island seemed to be completely empty – and I really enjoyed its quietness. I love this sculpture, always stop by to say hello:

A nice vehicle on our way:

We made a late lunch break in the harbour, and enjoyed home-made delicious and healthy sandwiches (yes, it was me who made them this time), dark chocolate and strawberries for desert.  It was wonderful to spent quite long time there, listening to the sound of waves breaking on shore, not having to hurry anywhere – some peaceful time in the nature.

Then there was a ferry, picking up passengers – we were surprised to see how many people needed it:

Meanwhile, the air temperature was getting down, and we got back on bikes to get some exercising. We just biked around, watched the empty streets, and adored the smell of all those blooming trees. Some houses were well-maintained:

Others seemed to be abandoned… Life is not easy on small islands…

We saw the old former dairy of Endelave before going back to the airfield:

The island has a population of 185 people; we wondered where they all were… We saw lots of wild brown rabbits, they were so cute!
It was about time to go home; Endelave town and harbour on our left side:

Asnæs power station in Kalundborg, coal-powered, with a 722 ft flue gas stack, the third tallest in Denmark:

Halleby stream close to Gørlev aerodrome (EKGO) where we had a short stop:

And Torbenfeld Gods on our way to Kræmmersten:

Though the air was quite misty, it was very nice to fly – as always! And to have the whole Endelave island for ourselves was also a great pleasure-break from the long and busy days at work. Many thanks to Vagn for this nice tour!

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