Home Events A short trip to the island of Samsø

A short trip to the island of Samsø

by Natalie Kjaergaard

The weather wasn’t good this morning for my planned flying trip to Sweden, but when I saw an invitation to visit Samsø, I wanted to go. Flying an ultralight wasn’t an option – surface gusts were up to 30 kts. So I asked Christian, a friend of mine, to invite me for this trip in one of his aircraft. Christian chose Diamond (excellent choice!), and I couldn’t resist being photographed with this beautiful machine.

The weather was changing all the time, but the flying was a great pleasure.

The island of Samsø was withing an easy reach.

We were a bit late, and the guests were leaving.

We spent some good time with Rune, the owner of the aerodrome, pictured below with Christian in front of the terminal 1.

Thank you for the very nice day!

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