Home Flying tripsDenmark Last summer day this year, well spent

Last summer day this year, well spent

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Last Saturday was the last summer day this year, and the weather gave us a very pleasant surprise with sunshine, blue skies and temperatures up to +28C. I had booked our club aircraft for the whole day, and my original plan was to have a day trip with a friend to Læsø, Anholt or another island in Denmark. But I was asked to give 3 hours of my booking time to a student pilot from our club – that’s our rules, the students come first. So I cancelled the trip with my friend, and decided to use the remaining hours for a training flight, and my evening – for enjoying the last summer sunset this year from a beach.

When I arrived to Albatros, my home flying club in Måløv, Faiz was there, working in his hangar:

Faiz helped me with carrying the heavy cans of petrol and with refuelling, when Jan and Bjarne came back from their flight. Soon I was airborne.

It was very misty in the air; a cold front was approaching from west – already during the night it was going to rain with thunderstorms, and the day after the temperatures would drop down below +20C.

On landing to Boye’s private airstrip (the blue arrow points at):

It is a very short airstrip, but long enough for Boye to start and land with any of the aircraft he flies:

On the taxiway, there were beautiful wild flowers. How could they survive there? I love wild flowers; they are normally smaller than the cultivated ones, but much stronger:

Boye was flying somewhere, but Jens was there with Anders, his son:

Before leaving, I took a photo of them in front of their Rans 12:

Back to AP22 that was conveniently parked by the “bridge”:

Munkholm island on the way:

Landing in EKML; not exactly on the center line – room for improvement!

At EKML, Lennart was demonstrating his electric scooter:

I tried myself – it was great fun! I would love to get one – would be so much fun to go around in Copenhagen. I could go to an opera, wearing a silk dress and stilettos on a scooter! Wow! LOL 🙂 But then I would also have to carry it up to my apartment on the 3rd floor, no elevator – 11 kg, hmmm…

My club mates kindly helped me to get the aircraft into the hangar – what would I do without them! – and I went for the sunset on a beach. A stop in Jægerspris for a chocolate ice-cream retreat, just to compensate for the calories lost on landings in crosswinds:

A stroll through the Jægerspris Castle park – it is one of my favourite places to visit. The park is relatively small, but with contemporary art exhibited on its grounds. There are many historic buildings around, and also a small cemetery that I always walk through. The Castle dates back to the 13th century; it was the hunting Castle of the Frederik VII:

And finally, my favourite beach (undisclosed location) – a nice place with no screaming kids, and few people around.

I know a place there with a big crab colony, and love going there watching them.

I was moving slowly, and soon many crabs appeared from the bushes.

I didn’t want to scare them, and didn’t come close. The older ones didn’t seem to care, but the young crabs ran away as soon as they saw me. There were many large shrimps running – I’ve never seen such big ones there before.

I felt grateful for having a chance to get a glimpse to their underwater world… After this long and pleasant swim I just sat on the beach (it was still +26C), had my very simple dinner, and enjoyed the glorious sunset:

What a marvellous day… Though I had to cancel my flying trip with a friend, the activities I had instead of – a relatively short and sweaty training flight with landings in crosswinds, meeting my flight mates, chocolate ice-cream retreat, wild flowers, revisiting the Jægerspris Castle, admiring those underwater beauties in their natural environment, and the sunset – made it a day I wished would never end.

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