Home Events Holbæk flying club 25 years celebration

Holbæk flying club 25 years celebration

by Natalie Kjaergaard

On the 27th May 2017 Holbæk flying club celebrated its 25 years birthday. The early morning was pleasing, and we looked forward to the day.

Briefing started at 08:30 where Kenneth went through the plan, tasks, and responsibilities:

Hanne was the head of ground control:

There were many remarkable aircraft attending, but the one on the photo below was special. It is a KZII trainer from 1946. I’ve heard there are two of them left, and the only one still flying is the one that has its home base  in EKHK:

Kenneth is helping the pilots before the show:

Beautiful aircraft…

KZII during the airshow:

Anders was directing the ground traffic. Nykøbing-Rørvig fire department exhibited some of their cars:

Vintage cars had a special parking place:

MH-1521M Broussard – a French aircraft from 1961 – got lots of attention. OY-SLV was in military service till 1983, and in 1989 was sold to civilian use. In Denmark since 2009.

Its empty weight is 1700 kg, cruise speed 100 kts, stall speed 50 kts.

Guests were queering for a sightseeing flight:

Jesper was mastering barbecue:

And even kids know that a sausage tastes better under a wing. Alexander is going to enjoy his lunch:

A special parking place was arranged for visiting aircraft:

Bellanca Decathlon returning after a superb aerobatics show it did for us:

Formation flying by KZIIIU-2 from 1946 and KZVIIU-4 Lærke from 1948:

Morten and Kenneth on their way:

Around 15:30 we had a visit of two F16 aircraft. On the picture below everybody is watching them coming.

The day was really well-organised: beautiful aircraft on display, many different kind of aircraft visiting including gliders, ultralight, F16; food & drink, sightseeing flights, parking and practicalities, you name it. But what I loved most about this day was the atmosphere and all these aircraft flying, flying, and flying.  Whilst two of them were taxiing to the runway 28 for takeoff, four others were landing one after one, three were in a holding position, two – crossing over in a formation, and so on. It was really an action place, and a great celebration of passion for flying.

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