Home Events Gørlev fly-in 21st September 2016

Gørlev fly-in 21st September 2016

by Natalie Kjaergaard

When Carsten asked me whether I wanted to join him in his autogyro for a trip to Gørlev flying club, my immediate answer was “yes” without even checking my calendar. Flying a gyro is always fun. Flying with Carsten is always fun. Coming to a Gørlev’ fly-in is always fun. It’s nice to have no doubts!


With autogyros

We were several aircraft going from our flying club, the weather was beautiful – one of those last sunny and still warm September days.


Over Eskilsø

When most of guests arrived Simba began preparing the barbecue:


Simba is a great cook!

It was a pleasure to meet people from other flying clubs. Some of them we haven’t seen for a while, and it was good to catch up.


Rans 6 in the background

It is difficult to describe how enjoyable it is to participate in such events. Probably all you need is to be a pilot!


Dan and Carsten having a chat (and a sausage)

I had a walk around the aeroplanes:


On apron

Quite many people attended – some by aeroplanes, others by cars. All clearly enjoyed this time together.


Members and guests in front of the club house

Soon we had to leave this hospitable place.


Till next time!

The weather was calm, and we wished we could stay longer.


Sunset over Gørlev

Thanks a lot for inviting us!

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