Home EventsAnniversaries FLYV 90 years anniversary

FLYV 90 years anniversary

by Natalie Kjaergaard

On the 30th of June 2018 the oldest Danish aviation magazine FLYV (English: Fly) celebrated 90 years birthday. In the morning, aircraft from different corners of Denmark headed for the Samsø island where festivities were arranged.

I flew with my friend Vagn, in his Rans 6 that I like so much. We arrived early, and there were already 10-15 other aircraft parked:

Guests were arriving quickly, and everything was ready: food, drinks, entertainment. Rune Balle was directing the traffic:

Rune has been the chief editor of FLYV since 2013, and the Samsø aerodrome manager since 2004.

FLYV has played an important role as a link between pilots, technicians and lots of other people who in one or another way deal with or just have an interest in aviation. FLYV comes out every other month, and we look forward to receive every new edition, as it is always full of exciting stories and striking photos.

Many special aircraft were coming that you would not meet in your everyday life.

Michael, Kenneth, and Ole in front of three of their KZ-VII. Before landing, they did beautiful formation flying over the airfield.

Guests felt quite comfortable:

It was very nice to walk around, to have a close look at the visiting aircraft, and to chat with other pilots. There were so many interesting things happening all the time.

The RVators formation team did a superb air show. One of the team on takeoff:

It was really a world class show:

Dieter was giving sightseeing flights. With Thomas on apron:

The airfield from air (photo: Rune Balle):

In the afternoon, there was the annual Samsø competition in throwing rubber boots, and the boots were flying high:

The competition was held in three categories: kids, gentlemen, and ladies. The winners in each category got special prizes, in connection with the FLYV’ 90 years anniversary:

I got a photo by the side of this impressive Antonov AN-2T. Before leaving, the pilot did a low pass and more. I was too far away to get a decent picture, and we just had our jaws dropped.

It was such a lovely day, and nobody wanted to leave. People were hanging around the whole day.

After leaving, Vagn and I did a round over this pretty island, and enjoyed its beauty from the air:

Many thanks to FLYV and Rune for giving us this wonderful experience! And thank you for keeping FLYV being our favourite aviation magazine!

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