Home Events Danish Dakota Friends – 25 years birthday fly-in

Danish Dakota Friends – 25 years birthday fly-in

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Danish Dakota Friends organization was founded 25 years ago. Several activities were arranged to celebrate this remarkable day, and one of them which I attended was fly-in in Roskilde airport (EKRK) on the 24th September 2016.

img_8398It is difficult to get a decent quality pictures with a mobile phone camera, but it is John Mau as a PIC on the photo above, preparing for a sightseeing flight. There were many guests; some of them came by air, like us, others by car or public transport. A barbecue area was arranged just in front of the apron, so the guests could enjoy some food and the airshow at the same time.

img_8406The Danish Dakota Friends and its DC-3 are very popular in Denmark, and the organization has around 2400 members. That is also why we love coming to such events – you meet your friends and acquaintances from all corners of the country.

img_8416A merchandise corner did a good job this day, one could read interesting facts about the DC-3, and even some old exchanged parts were on display:

img_8422There was a very nice and cheerful atmosphere at this event; people, modern and historic aircraft, sunshine…

img_8414Parachute jumpers, military helicopter, and F-16 among others were entertaining the audience – one can never get tired of watching these professionals doing their stunts.

img_8434The admired DC-3 was of course the center of this event. It did sightseeing flying tours and was photographed.

img_840125 years is a big achievement. It is amazing to see this big machine flying, and I’m proud of being a part of The Danish Dakota Friends. I’ve only had one tour with DC-3 so far, but I’m sure I will get many more and I look forward to these experiences.

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