Home Events Aeronautical Day in Avedøre

Aeronautical Day in Avedøre

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Avedøre aeronautical centre had an Aeronautical Day on the 11th September 2016 – an open house/fly-in event where they opened their doors to public. Albatros flying club has long tradition of attending, and this year we were 4 ultralights and 1 autogyro that came by air. We started from briefing where we agreed on a flight plan and formation flying, discussed the weather and visual approach, etc.

BriefingBriefing was followed by a lovely breakfast:

Breakfast Avedøre flying club has a special runway. It begins as RWY16, but ends as RWY14. You cannot see the end of the runway when you land. Then there are high trees, i.g. mechanical turbulence, sudden lost of altitude, and other related “surprises”. Red buildings on the right – Avedøre aeronautical centre:

img_7654And this is how the narrow strip runway looks like from air:

RWY16 from airIt is this flying club’s requirement that on a first time landing one has to go around and make a low pass, then go around again and land. Some of us have landed there before, but we decided that it would be reasonable to follow this procedure for all of us. We all did a low pass and were greeted by many spectators:

Low passA number of autogyro had arrived before us:

img_7681An orchestra played:

img_7687There were vintage cars on display:

img_7714A hot air balloon where you could go inside:

img_7695The event was well-organized. There were so many many interesting things to see and explore! The weather was nice, we enjoyed being there and had a lot of fun:

img_7728The organizes had a good sense of humour: sausages were called “Hercules” and “Harvard”. On the picture below Lennart – our pilot – is posing for us queuing up to get a “Hercules” 🙂

img_7744We met many new people, some of our friends, and pilots from other clubs at the event. It was about time to go home, and we lined up on the taxiway:

img_7795And a debriefing after a short trip back home:

debriefingWe enjoyed this day together very much.

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