Home Events Pannkosh


by Natalie Kjaergaard

Pannkosh is a pancakes fly-in organized by Bo Rønnow on the last Sunday of each month in EKØF. All profit of these events goes to charity.


One of the corners of EKØF

Bo Rønnow has a lifetime flying experience as a private pilot. He works as volunteer at SOS Børnebyerne where he arranges different events that support this organization financially. Bo is also a very nice person and has a great personality – one of the reasons we love coming to EKØF.


Bo Rønnow

EKØF is conveniently located on the island of Fyn which makes it easy accessible both from Jylland and Sjælland. Pilots from different parts of the country meet there.


On apron

Guests often arrive with their best friends, and sometimes these best friends are dogs 🙂 They get lots of attention, free food and drinks!


This dog was a bit shy of being photographed

It is normally Lin – Bo’s wife – and her daughter – that help with the practical stuff, but guests also like to take part.

Vagn is queueing up to get his third(!) pancake

Vagn is queueing up to get his third(!) pancake

Making pancakes is fun, and making them at a fly-in is a great fun. Here Jens is trying his luck:


Jens just made a pancake for Kristina!

I also tried – wasn’t as successful as Jens 🙂 But I got inspired and arranged Crêpes de Kræmmersten – the French style!


My turn…

“Pandekagehuset” on the picture below is a sun terrasse we use when the air gets colder.



You meet many interesting people and many beautiful aeroplanes at such events.


Lots of beautiful machines

Time goes quickly in a good company…

img_6662Thank you Bo for the wonderful day together!

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