Home Events Crêpes de Kræmmersten

Crêpes de Kræmmersten

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Kræmmersten is a small private airfield owned by Helge who flies his red Rans when there is a suitable break in his farm work.

Helge is going for a short flight

Helge is going for a short flight

This place is also a home for the Undløse Flying Club that consists of about 20 members.  They decided to have a barbecue fly-in on the 2nd July, and I offered to make crêpes.


Everything tastes good when you are at Kræmmersten 🙂

Pilots normally don’t spend much time together, as they would rather go flying. Taking time off to enjoy some food and talk is a relatively rare pleasure.

Breaks between courses were used to share experiences:

Pilot talk

Pilot talk

I’m still learning how to make these crêpes, and they come in various shapes 🙂 They taste good in spite of form! The best ones I’ve ever tried were on the island of La Réunion (Indian Ocean) in a small mountain village of Hell-Bourg. I hope to reach the same quality one day.

Nice try!

Nice try!

It is very relaxing to meet in that way. Lots of interesting discussions!


Have you been to this place?

And after a nice day together it’s time to go home:

Guests leave

Guests leave


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