Home Flying tripsDenmark Watching the Milky Way over Copenhagen

Watching the Milky Way over Copenhagen

by Natalie Kjaergaard

When Flemming and I took off from Ærø, we didn’t go home to Roskilde airport.

Instead, we wanted to fly over Copenhagen first. The night was very dark and clear, with so many stars on the sky! Jupiter was big that night, especially from air.

It is always spectacular approaching Copenhagen by night. The city just gets bigger and bigger…

Dark and silent in the cockpit – we enjoy the views.

It is fun to recognise the streets and landmarks in the darkness. Or not to be able to locate something you want to see from air!

The Milky Way was clear over Copenhagen – it was quite exceptional to be able to see it when there was so much light coming up from the city.

A couple of rounds over The City Hall square and Tivoli:

After flying there for some time and adoring the stunning views, we finally decided to turn back to Roskilde.

Landing in the darkness is also a special experience. You are able to see the centerline only in the very last moments, otherwise it feels like you are falling into a black hole. I admire night VFR pilots for their skills.

When we landed in Roskilde, it was +1C. Whilst Flemming was doing the paper work, and finishing in the hangar, I did star gazing. And even stading there by the hangars, one could clearly observe the Milky Way.

What a night!

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Erik+Lyngholm+Pedersen 2 November 2022 - 18:32

Flotte billeder, og formentlig en fantastisk oplevelse.

Natalie Kjaergaard 2 November 2022 - 19:40

Tak, Erik! Ja, det var en super flot nat.

Henrik+Vedel+Jørgensen 2 November 2022 - 22:47

Thank you for the fine story and pictures.

Natalie Kjaergaard 3 November 2022 - 09:18

Thank you for reading, and for your kind words, Henrik!

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