Home Flying tripsDenmark Watching snowy landscapes with Minesh

Watching snowy landscapes with Minesh

by Natalie Kjaergaard

We have a very good team at work: ambitious, knowledgeable, inspiring. I have colleagues from different corners of the world, highly educated and experienced, with unique backgrounds and cultural values. Unfortunately, corona has had its effect, at least on some of us. Working from home for ages has been tough. We all have missed each others company. To help raising the spirit, I invited all from my team to go for a flight with me, and appreciate the beauty of our planet and life from a very special angle – from above.

My first passenger from the team was Minesh. We headed for my flying club this morning at 07:00 from Copenhagen. When we got airborne, we couldn’t believe our eyes – there was so much snow!

We don’t have any snow in Copenhagen – it is too warm for it to stay. It only snowed once, and melted immediately. And here we had frozen lakes:

We flew for some time without taking any pictures, just enjoyed the views that were magnificent:

Our plan was to fly to Næstved, and go for a walk in the town. But this kind of freezing fog close to Næstved made me quickly change up my mind, and turn back:

Minesh and I weren’t sorry – it was one of those days when it is much better to stay in the air:

Despite the local mist and fog, it was a very colourful flight. Snowy fields in one place, green ones – in another:

Sometimes the visibility was excellent, and suddenly low clouds would come and go (photo: Minesh):

I thought Minesh would love to have some pictures of the Great Belt Bridge, and we flew there:

Flying back to Holbæk was a kind of zigzagging between the clouds:

But all at once all those low clouds were gone, and we had a marvellous view to the island of Nekselø:

Last look at the sea before turning home:

Minesh helped to polish my aircraft:

And I showed him my (beginner) skills as a drone pilot (photo: Minesh):

It was a wonderful day. Driving back to Copenhagen, we talked about all those stunning views, snowy landscapes, and the beauty of life. Come fly with me! 🙂

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