Home Flying tripsDenmark Tønder to Endelave

Tønder to Endelave

by Natalie Kjaergaard

On my last tour to the Southern Jutland I made a short visit to Tønder flying club.

They have a nice runway, very good facilities, and most important – congenial members. Tower on the photo below:

Local, UTC, and other useful destinations’ time:

Briefing room:

I need the same in my garden:

I wonder what happened:

A visit to the club’s hangars:

From Tønder I headed for Endelave. Haderslev fjord on the photo below. There were some rain showers here and there,

and at some point I also got a couple of drops:

Clouds over the Gamborg Fjord were spectacular:

Æbelholm and Æbelø islands off Funen’s north coast. Æbelhom has an elevation of about 1m. It is connected to Æbelø via a 2km sandbar called Brådet that is periodically submerged. When the tide is low you can walk from Funen to Æbelø.

Æbelø (English: Apple island) is about 2 square km. Once it was inhabited by about 40 people, and there are still houses left. Today, it has 2 inhabitants during summer, but otherwise uninhabited. The island has a beautiful beach, idyllic forest, and offers outstanding scenery.

And soon I reached Endelave where I spent the rest of that wonderful day:

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