Home Flying tripsDenmark The (great) pleasure of a local flight

The (great) pleasure of a local flight

by Natalie Kjaergaard

It is long time ago I had a local flight. For me, flying is about having a good experience somewhere else, preferably far away and in a new place, besides enjoying being airborne. But the days are getting shorter, and on weekdays it is almost impossible to reach a flight after work. Weekends are, of course, reserved for flying trips, but that requires weather. And then a local flight becomes a much greater pleasure.

Last Friday I could see the weather was going to be fine before the sunset, so I left some of my work for weekend, and called Flemming. Flemming could also leave a bit earlier than usual, and we hurried up to my flying club in Holbæk. Pre-flight check, and we were airborne:

We flew over Sjællands Odde, a 15 km long peninsula between Sejerø Bay and Kattegat, just northwest of Holbæk.

Ferry terminal where from one can take a trip to Ebeltoft in Jylland. The ferries are very fast and quite big. The one on the photo below is about 110 m long and 30 m wide, and can take onboard around 415 cars!

We just flew around, and it was very enjoyable to see our beautiful planet from above:

Harbour in Hundested:

Eskilsø, when did I last time fly over this small island? Probably last year:

The city of Holbæk and its marina:

During summer time, it is a lovely place to visit, with many good restaurants, and nice atmosphere:

Flemming and I were very happy we finally had a flight…

Cleaning and refuelling, and my Aeroprakt was put back to the hangar:

We had dinner at the flying club, the salads we brought with us – chicken for Flemming, and prawns for me:

An evening cannot be better spent than in the air…

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