Home Flying tripsDenmark The beautiful nature of Langeland island

The beautiful nature of Langeland island

by Natalie Kjaergaard

I’ve missed flying alone! Many people ask me for a flight; short or long, Denmark or abroad, day trip or staying over for several days. It is always fun to share the happiness of flying and going on a tour, and it is also wonderful to have it all for yourself 🙂

I decided to fly to Langeland and go for a swim there:

The Aviator and The Blue Bear were so glad to finally get their seat:

The airstrip on Langeland is very nice, always with well-cut grass and it is easy to locate:

Before landing, I did a round over the Tranekær Castle:

Known from the 1200s, this residential property is said to be the oldest inhabited house in Denmark. In July, they do guided tours of some parts of the castle. I’ve always wanted to come on such tour, but in July I’m normally on a flying vacation abroad. And in general, Langeland island has a lot to offer, you can read more here, if you are curious.

I landed and parked my Aeroprakt.

Took my backpack and headed on the road. It was just what I needed: a pleasant walk of 2.5 km and stunning views:

I often stopped to just admire the natural beauty of the island, and to smell its flowers:

On the beach, there were few people. The sea was calm, and puffy clouds were on the horizon:

The water was warm – it was so nice!

There were lots of crabs, and I filmed a couple of them:

For dinner, I had a ready-made seafood salad I brought with me, and cherries for desert:

Sitting there on a bench, I observed the changing clouds, the sea colours, and really enjoyed my solitude…

When I walked back, I stopped by a flowers field (on the photo below), among other places. There were many different wild flowers, they smelled so strong and attracted lots of bees. It was the sound of bees I noticed first. I stood by that field for some time, and again, just observed in silence:

My OY-9797 was still where I left it:

I thougt how good it was to live in a country where you can leave your airplane – and nobody is touching it. I remembered  the time when I was on a flying trip in Romania together with my friend Vagn. We parked his airplane in a small airport of Cioca that was fenced with barbed wire, had video surveilance, armed guard and not very friendly dogs running around. You can read more here. Vagn and I had difficulties getting back in, when we had to fly out of that airport several days later. They simply didn’t believe we were pilots… Not the first time! 🙂

I took off and flew over the beach where I had just been:

A bunch of clouds were over the waters of the Langeland strait:

That was something I had also experienced on my other flights – those clouds over the seas were not in any weather forecast, nor were they on the weather radar, but they were there! Luckily not of any significance, but a couple of times other years I had to divert, land back and wait.

Those last warm and sunny summer days are so enjoyable! And you still can reach a flight after work, if no late meetings. I felt relaxed, energised, and simply happy.

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