We were lucky to see two vintage aeroplanes that visited Koblenz that day:
Taking off from Koblenz, we enjoyed the beautiful views:
After approximately 50 minutes we crossed the border:
France welcomed us in with its endless mountains:
Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg on the photo below, I visited in 2018, together with other pilots from Roskilde flying club. You can read more here.
A closer look:
After landing in Colmar, we refuelled with my AirBP card and parked on the grass:
10 minutes by taxi – and we were in the heart of Colmar, that can be quite overwhelming – it is such a picturesque city!
Flemming and I rented an apartment in Les Tanneurs – a small district in the Colmar’s old town, famous for its high wood framing and half timbered houses, mostly dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries. The houses were used by tanners who worked and lived there with their families. They were also used for drying out their skins on the upper floors, often with an openwork design. The tanner’s district was renovated between 1698 and 1974. The renovation gave back its beauty to this village in the heart of the city. We stayed in one of those housers, on the third floor (blue arrows are pointing at the apartment where we stayed):
We dropped our bags and went out to have a drink under the archs of Ancienne Douane:
Ancienne Douane, also known as Koïfhus, is a Gothic and Renaissance building in Colmar. It is also the birthplace of general Jean Rapp. The building currently houses a restaurant as well as temporary exhibitions and fairs. Every day, there was a pop-up bar with regional wines – all day long!
A stroll before the dinner:
We didn’t have any preferences for a restaurant (and all food in France is good).
After dinner, we spent some time walking around and soaking up the wonderful atmosphere of Colmar.
The Renaissance bulding with its remarkable balcony on the photo above was built in 1575. Originally intended to be a town hall, it housed the town guard inated of. A nut market was held under its arcades on the right.
It was +29C, people were dining and drinking in the bars and restaurants… Flowers everywhere…
Flemming and I looked forward to spend two full days in that delightful town.