With Inger before leaving Bunge Air Base:
Flemming and IÂ said goodbye to our 3-room hangar suite, and I also had a chance to see the former military buildings and tower.
Bunge Air Base from air:
And its 6 runways:
We got permission to initially climb to FL90 (9,000 feet), and later for crossing over the water – FL95:
And soon we reached the western coast of Ă–land:
We were going to Sandvik, a small town on the eastern part of the island, that has a nice airstrip. On the photo below you can see a road going across the airstrip. One has to look for crossing cars!
Turning on final:
We parked our aircraft, and headed for the town.
The cows on the photo above are sculptures; they looked so unbelievably real! It was only coming close by we wondered why they didn’t move 🙂 We continued directly to the beach, and chose a remote one:
The water was cold, and Flemming decided to stay in the blazing sun. I otherwise enjoyed being in the water:
A nice small marina:
And a tasty lunch in Sandvikshamn:
We spent the day walking, swimming, sightseeing…
An old water well:
Near the mill (and the airfield), there were several restaurants. The mill was closed due to corona epidemic, but we could play around it, with the cows and carriages: