Flemming and I were going to spend a weekend on Mors island in Jylland, and Friday afternoon we took off:
Saltbæk Vig – a brackish water lake north of Kalundborg, which is the fifth largest lake in Denmark (16.1 km2). It is a part of a restricted nature area, with some of the country’s best botanical sites. On the right side of it is Krage island, a very active isthmus:
The weather was nice, with scattered clouds all the way from Holbæk to Mors:
We enjoyed the breathtaking views. Most of my pictures when flying are often of clouds:
It was an easy and comfortable journey, but it was cold. We flew in FL55, and there we had temperatures below zero:
Sometimes an occasional cloud would come by, making it all look so dramatic!
Upon reaching Jylland’s coast we descended to 2,000 feet.
Aarhus from air:
We landed on Mors, and were welcomed by the members of the flying club that just returned from a flight:
After a short chat and a cup of coffee, Flemming and I went on a sunset flight in the area. We did a round over Nykøbing Mors, the largest town on the island, known from the Middle Ages, and used to be famous for its oysters and shellfish:
We flew over the island of Fur, and then headed for Feggeklit which is a 25 metres high and 1 km long moler clay:
In 1916, a first moler brickworks factory in Denmark was based on its grounds. A round over the ferry terminal where a ferry in 5 minutes brings you from Feggesund to Arup on Thy or back:
Then there was some little time left to enjoy the sunset from air:
We parked the aircraft, and got into our rented car that waited in the airport. A short drive – 6 km – and we were at the Agerdal B&B where Flemming booked a room for us. It was a beautiful newly restored farm house from the 18th century, and it also had a small gallery where Flemming finally found a ceramic cup he always wanted to have:
We had our vegan dinner in the farm’s dining room – salads, salads, and salads (Flemming’s choice!) accompanied by a glass of sparkling wine:
The champagne glasses I took with me from the hangar were perfect!
We were happy everything went according to the plan. On Saturday we were going to do sightseeing in Thy and meet my friends in Thisted for dinner. One of them – Hanne – created an artwork of glass for us, and we looked forward to pick it up. And on Sunday we were going to explore Mors.