Today we had the last opening day in Zonen Flylaug, an association of volunteers that maintains and flies OY-DYZ, a Danish designed and built museum aircraft KZ-III from 1946 that has its home in Andelslandsbyen Nyvang near Holbæk. When I arrived, some of our members were already there. From left to right: Morten, Svend, Allan, Michael, Bjarne, Peter, and Hans:
It was a bit grey morning, but – there were small poppies by the side of our hangar! What a surprise at this time of the year! They were fragile and really beautiful:
Soon first guests came, and we were showing them around:
We count our visitors, and make notes in a journal. Michael checked – this year we had around 6,000 visitors in our hangar! None of us expected such a huge interest. We’ll do it even better next year!
One of the former ambulances from the Zonen Rescue Corps, a Ford V8 from 1936, came by:
I went for a ride. This is how it looks like inside:
Gorgeous car! Lots of working hours are used to keep it running…
I went for a walk – I always do when in Andelslandsbyen Nyvang. There are so many interesting things to see!
Walking in the park can be dangerous – there are crocodiles, you know…
Hereford bulls were getting their morning shower:
Later they were taken out for a photo session. When I saw what it required to have them under control, I stayed far away and used zoom to take pictures:
Back in the hangar, there was lunch time. We get three traditional Danish smørrebrød (open sandwiched) per person, wrapped in an old style Nyvang’ newspaper, and a bottle of water/soft drink. Today it was relatively warm, and we enjoyed out lunch by the side of OY-DYZ:
In the afternoon Morten did some grass cutting:
And Peter took his saw and went working to the bushes by the end of the runway:
Meanwhile, the weather became better, and soon we heard Kenneth coming in his adorable L-4 grasshopper:
Kenneth flew in together with Vitus, his son. We were glad to see them:
I decided to go for one more walk, this time in another direction. A number of goats, big and small, were having fun on their pasture. The two on the left had a short disagreement and butted each other – the sound was so loud, they must have had the heads of iron:
Nyvang was beautiful in autumn colours:
An exhibition of old mobile phones in the telecommunications museum on the photo below. Can you find your first one there? Mine was an Ericsson 1998 model (yellow arrow points at), but it was in stylish light grey, not this boring black:
Every time I go around in Andelslandsbyen Nyvang, I find something new (things change from season to season). A place for rabbits where they had comfortable homes:
It was allowed to get in, and I did. The rabbits were sleepy, and I didn’t want to disturb their peaceful life.
A photo with Bjarne before leaving:
It was a nice season, with many good activities. We only have our annual Christmas party left, in December, and then the year is over.