Pre-flight check, and we were ready. It was a windy afternoon, and we waited till late evening for the wind to come down, before we took off for our first stopover in Höganäs, Sweden.
Yellow rapeseed fields were everywhere…
We were excited and looked very much forward to reach Norway the day after.
Hot air balloons on our way over the Roskilde Fjord. Link to their website, if you are interested:
In Höganäs, some people from the flying club met up on our request to help us with checking in and refuelling.
The flying club has very nice house and a small hotel. Flemming and I had our dinner with the beautiful sunset view:
After dinner, I did flight plans, and Flemming – other practical things. I don’t know whether you ever used the flight panning software from Sweden? It is the most easy and user friendly one, I’ve ever experienced. Here is the link, if you want to try.
The process of filing a flight plan is logical, you get help to each and every field, and if you made a mistake – they will call you from the briefing office to explain how to fix it. You get a confirmation by a text message to your mobile phone.
Later in the evening, I played piano, and Flemming sang. It was very cozy, but didn’t last long.
We actually went to bed as quickly as we could; our intention was to reach Norway the day after and to get the most of the day…