I especially enjoy visiting our many beautiful islands, and staying there for several days.
Flemming and I had studied the weather, and found out the best place to go (less windy, most sunny) was the island of Læsø.
We quickly packed our things and headed there. It took us about 2 hours with a little headwind:
And this time we remembered to take the sun canopy cover with us:
Alex waited in the airport, with the car we had rented, and he invited to his hangar – to see his newly bought ultralight, and the Pantenavia he is also flying:
After a good chat, Flemming and I continued to our camping site. We chose to stay in Østerby, as the camping site there seemed to be more relaxed, where one was welcome to pitch a tent where (s)he was pleased to. There wasn’t much wind, and it took time to inflate my ultra light sleeping pad (250 g) with a special pump sack:
When Flemming and I flew over the island, we talked about Stokken, the narrow 5 km long barrier island north-east of Læsø, and how interesting it would be to go there. It was around +30C, and we longed for a nice beach and a cooling swim:
So, after we were finished with settling down at the camping site, we drove there and waded approx. 50 m over to Stokken. The beach was endless, and the water – crystal clear:
We walked up north, and eventually found a place with sand banks in the water, where we played for hours:
There were no people there, and we took the opportunity to sunbath and swim naked – it was very pleasant in the late afternoon sun.
Back to the camping site, off with our swimwear:
For a sunset dinner, we went to another wonderful beach of Læsø, called Hvidebakker:
Whilst Flemming was getting his feet wet, I climbed up the relatively high sand dunes:
The sunset was fabulous; it was warm and comfortable, and we stayed on the beach a bit after the sun went down.
Driving back to our camping site, we stopped a couple of times to admire radiation fog:
A great summer day was coming to an end, and we looked forward to spending two more of them on the island.