Flemming and I wanted to spend four days on the island of Anholt, where the forecast promised sunshine and +25C. But – we had to wait for the better weather over the sea of Kattegat. We drove to the town of Holbæk, and spent a couple of hours there, walking in the harbour, having coffee and an ice-cream.
We had planned to fly via Sjællands Odde in Ebeltoft direction. When Flemming and I coasted out of Zealand and realised how misty the air was, we diverted to Samsø, because we doubted we would be able to see the coast of Jutland from the tip of Sjællands Odde.
Samsø was covered in overcast at around 4-5,000 feet – and we had expected no clouds at that point of time.
Luckily, the skies were clear over the Kattegat, and we continued in FL75.
Beautiful scenery from above:
From Grenå, we headed for Anholt:
We got permission to climb to FL95; great relief – it is not always we get it. Flying lower means no gliding distance to the coast in case of engine failure…
A couple of circles over the island, in order to descend and prepare for landing. We found the camping site we were going to stay at. There is only one on Anholt, and it is conveniently located on one of the islands best northern beaches and 1 km from the harbour with restaurants, bars and shops:
The first thing we noticed (at least on the airfield) was silence.
On the washroom hut, there was a sign saying that the Police was available on the island during weeks 27-32 at the radar station (most boozy weeks requiring police?):
There were no bikes at the airport, but the Bike Rental were kind to drive by with the bikes for us.
An artful map of Anholt on the wall of a supermarket where we bought our dinner and rosé sparkling:
It was a very good map indeed; we used it every single day as it included small local streets/paths.
The camping site was completely overcrowded, and it took us time to find room to squeeze our tent in.
After all the practicalities, we went to the beach for a sunset dinner – it was about time!
Flemming and I were happy; we succeeded with everything that day.