Every year Andelslandsbyen Nyvang celebrates the WWII liberation of Denmark by staging a spectacular show on its grounds. Volunteers from all associations of Nyvang participate thus contributing to making this day fun and memorable. Members of our “Zonen Flylaug” were on duty, ready to show Zonen OY-DYZ to the visitors.
On the photo above, from left to right: Poul Eberhardt, Peter Castenheim, and Ole Pedersen. All three have done lots of work during the years in Zonen’s association.
And soon the invasion began:
“Nazis” took the main building, and the Nazi flags were raised everywhere.
There were so many visitors, and everybody seemed to enjoy the event.
Officers and soldiers were checking the documents and questioning their validity. The Nazis were played by real German people, and intentionally they only spoke German. That added an extra dimension.
People, vehicles, events represented the WWII time in Denmark.
It is not very often one can see such machines driving around:
The boys on the photo below were adorable. Several times I heard visitors giving compliments to them for being so authentic:
Different role plays took place during the day.
Gestapo people going out to chase suspicious locals:
Beautiful ladies dressed up properly:
German biker from the WWII time:
A British pilot captured by Nazis, under interrogation:
Fortified defense with the USSR flag in the background:
Nurses were ready to receive the patients:
We had many visitors in our part, too. Michael was answering questions about Zonen aircraft, our association, etc.
There was flying, too. Morten on the photo below in his Grasshopper:
Ole did some flying in Zonen. Ole is an experienced instructor on this type of aircraft, and demonstrated the abilities of Zonen very nicely:
I couldn’t resist taking a picture in front of this beautiful aircraft:
What a great day! I stayed till the very end – so much fun it was! Many thanks to all who contributed to this event!