Home Flying tripsDenmark Sunset over Copenhagen

Sunset over Copenhagen

by Natalie Kjaergaard

I’m working mostly from home these times, and every so often the days are totally filled up with back-to-back meetings. That was also the case yesterday. During a 5 minutes break before my last meeting I realised how good the weather was. If I was quick enough, I could reach a short flight!

I didn’t think twice. The driving to my flying club is long, but my aircraft is normally prepared for a flight beforehand. I only need to do a pre-flight check, and I’m ready to go flying:

My intention was to fly over Copenhagen, and I headed in that direction. Clouds and sunlight sometimes made the beautiful views look very dramatic:

I got permission to cross Kastrup control zone which I entered from Vallensbæk. Ishøj marina and Arken museum of Contemporary Art below:

The Ellehammer VFR route above Copenhagen is spectacular:

You fly over the channel and the whole city is just in front of you:

Amager island with its red-roofed buildings:

The circular-shaped building is Tietgenkollegiet, a residence for students. I often came by when I was studying at the IT University of Copenhagen, and always thought it looked so terrible from outside. But from air it looks quite nice.

Amager power station:

Copenhagen in the sunlight:

There wasn’t much time left for more sightseeing, and I turned back to Holbæk. Marvellous sunset on my way:

The whole tour looked approximately like that:

I landed after the sunset:

It was quickly becoming dark. The night was soon going to be over us, and one more wonderful day was coming to an end. I was very happy I managed to have a flight, I enjoyed it a lot.

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