Home Flying tripsDenmark Sunset dinner on Samsø island

Sunset dinner on Samsø island

by Natalie Kjaergaard

When I slowly got up in the morning and realised how good the weather was, I knew we had a good chance. After checking the forecast, I called Anne Mette, and we quickly agreed on flying to the island of Samsø in the afternoon:

We flew the island around, checked out its harbours and manor houses, and took lots of pictures of Nordby Bakker and Issehoved (photo above) – one of my favourite places on Samsø. There are many hiking trails that cross the hilly and picturesque landscapes. Issehoved with its white sand beach is the northernmost point of Samsø.

Langør, a small half-island in Stavns fjord, with its still empty marina. During summer time, it is a very popular place to visit, also for lunch or dinner at the Smokehouse restaurant:

The photo below was taken somewhere over land near the fjord, from 2,000 feet. Magnificent, isn’t it?

When Anne Mette and I got enough of flying around the island, fjords and harbours, we landed, and found our bikes.

We took the road less travelled – I hadn’t tried that road before. The bikes were excellent:

On our way, we stopped from time to time, and enjoyed the beautiful views. An old shelter or something:

Samsø is well-known for the early potatoes (among other things). Who knows, maybe we are going to cook potatoes soon, that were grown up on the fields we passed by:

At the end of the road, there was a very small fishing harbour:

The Aviator was hungry, he didn’t care much about birds singing. And the salad from my local Seven-Eleven turned out to be really good. We had our dinner there with a view, appreciating the silence, soft sunset light, and tranquil atmosphere of that place.

It began getting cold, and we biked back to the airfield. On the bench in front of the terminal 1, it was quite warm thanks to the direct sunlight, and we relaxed for some time there before flying home.

Ballen harbour of Samsø where one can take a ferry to Kalundborg:

And from there we coasted out on our way to Zealand:

Instead of flying directly home, we first watched the sunset from air:

Then we flew over Anne Mette’s friends’ house – and they were very happy to have such a visit. Landed in the last part of the civil twilight, when it begin to get dark quickly. I used my headlamp and hurried up cleaning my Aeroprakt:

Anne Mette and I had such a lovely time on Samsø, and enjoyed having a flight together again!

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