Home Flying tripsDenmark Sunny Sunday on Samsø

Sunny Sunday on Samsø

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Sunday morning was very foggy… Driving to Holbæk, Flemming and I wondered whether we at all would be able to fly that day.

We patiently waited for the weather to improve, and around 10 a.m. we could go.

Two happy pilots airborne:

Our initial plan was to fly to Höganäs, but it seemed that the cloud base would be too low there. Then it was Sejerø, but overcast was enveloping all the area from Holbæk to Sejerø:

And then it became Samsø! The island was supposed to have a very nice weather all day long. It was covered in scattered clouds when Flemming and I arrived though:

We landed:

And were welcomed to the Samsø International by Rune, the airport manager:

We borrowed Rune’s car, and drove to Nordby Bakker in the northern part of the island:

Nordby Bakker is a lovely area with gently rolling hills, sheep, cows, valleys and stunning views.

The hills of Nordby Bakker were formed for about 10,000 years ago, when glaciers were pushing their way across the island.

Today, it is a protected area with spectacular climbs and peaceful walks.

The weather on the island was simply perfect: no wind, lots of sunshine, warm. We went down to the northernmost tip of Samsø, called Issehoved. Flemming collected a bag of rosehips that were in abundance there:

The Aviator took a nap on the rocks:

And I went for a beach walk, immersing myself into the relaxing sound of waves, enjoying the warm feeling of the sunlight on my cheeks, and watching the ever changing colours of the sea:

We stayed there for several hours, having lunch with a view, appreciating the silence around us, captivating nature, seagulls… Selfie before leaving, with the northernmost tip of Samsø in the background:

Flemming and I drove to Nordby, where we had a stop. Bell tower from 1857:

We visited the Nordby Gamle Købmandshandel, and had a cup of coffee al fresco, sitting outside in the sun – in November! It was so calm and warm, we even didn’t want to move.

A stroll by the Gadekjæret (small lake) in Nordby:

The Aviator said hello to a local ladybug (she never had such a cool visitor before!):

The day was almost gone, and we took off for home. Hjortholm island in Nordby Bay:

Whilst on Samsø, we were monitoring the weather – you never know how quickly it might change at this time of the year. Low overcast was promised over Roskilde, but Holbæk and the nearby area stayed clear:

The uneventful landing in Holbæk flying club:

We had the time, and did a thorough washing of my Aeroprakt:

The sun was getting down, casting its long shadows over the colourful ground:

At home, I had a glass of champagne to celebrate this wonderful day spent on Samsø:

Flemming celebrated with a cup of tea, and afterwards went to the office; he had some work to do. We had such a lovely day out – one can live long on those memories…

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