Home Flying trips Summer vacation in Sweden, July 2020. Day 27: Home sweet home

Summer vacation in Sweden, July 2020. Day 27: Home sweet home

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Last day of our tour of Sweden… I didn’t want to go home!

Breakfast in the Sandvik harbour (yes, you can have ice-cream for breakfast!), and a short walk:

Flemming saying goodbye to the wild flowers of Öland:

Sandvik from air:

And some of those 127,000+ islands of Sweden:

We headed for Hässleholm, where we planned to have a break:

It was long time ago, I’ve been there. Hässleholm used to have waffles fly-ins on Wednesdays – before corona pandemic came on us.

The club house was closed, but Kurt waited for us on the airfield. He welcomed us in:

We stayed for some time, and relaxed on the club’s terrace. Then – second and last flight home:

It was with the mixed feelings we looked at the Danish coast when crossing over. What waited ahead of us? Work, work, work… Rainy winter… And of course many wonderful days, too…

Familiar landscape of approach to Holbæk – it was one month ago we took off:

Quick cleaning, before driving home:

What a fantastic trip we had!

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