Home Flying tripsDenmark Samsø sprint

Samsø sprint

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Last Friday the weather was so good that I simply had to fly.

Beautiful island of Samsø was the choice, and after getting a PPR and picking up Vagn in Holbæk, we headed there.

The air was warm and humid, and climbing to 4500 feet for crossing over the Samsø Belt took some time. It was a very warm and sunny late afternoon.

As the sun was going down the air temperature was getting lower quickly. We took the bikes and after checking the map did a 5 km sprint to the nearest smokehouse restaurant in Langør Harbour. The sprint was necessary – we were running out of time.The smell of rapeseed flowers was overwhelming.

We didn’t know whether the restaurant was open, nobody answered our phone calls. We took a chance going there, and were lucky – it was open.

At the restaurant they served delicious locally smoked fish. Good selection of wine, drinks, beer, books.

Even adult entertainment:

The harbour was tranquil and quiet.

On our sprint back we did a brief stop at the Kanhave Canal which is one of the known largest engineering projects of Vikings. The canal was built in 726-729 AD.

Short but enjoyable visit, and we were ready to go home.

A photo of Stavns Fjord on our take-off from RWY10:

After dropping Vagn off at EKHK I continued to my home airfield. The sun was behind the clouds, I hoped very much it would come out just for a moment, and it did 🙂

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Bo 22 May 2017 - 04:00

I love what you are doing
Big Hug

Natalie Kjaergaard 22 May 2017 - 06:22

Thank you, Bo! Love, Natalie

Bo 24 May 2017 - 22:20

Leaving New York for taking care of Pannkosh Sundag see you hugs

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