Home Flying tripsDenmark Røsnæs in the sunset light

Røsnæs in the sunset light

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Please meet our regular guest from a neighbouring farm – a beautiful white hen :

The grass is always greener on the other side, and the insects are tastier! She even tried to get into the club house, but I kept her away.

It was a calm Monday evening, with a gentle breeze, and what could be better than going for a flight! Flemming re-fuelled the aircraft, and gave me a finger when I was taking pictures of him – what kind of upbringing did he have? 🙂

I checked my make-up:

And I did a pre-flight check, too:

We headed for Røsnæs which is a 15 km long peninsula and the westernmost point on the island of Zealand:

On the tip of Røsnæs, there is a lighthouse that is visited by 100,000 tourists each year:

Kalundborg Fjord (English: inlet), between Røsnæs and Asnæs:

It is up to 20 m deep, and was therefore a good location for the Asnæs power plant and an oil refinery. The port of Kalundborg:

Our Lady Church in Kalundborg, built in the beginning of the 13th century, the only five-towered church in Northern Europe:

The sun was getting down, and the golden sunlight warmly lit up the air:

Flemming and I just flew around, and looked at the interesting things we met on our way:

We did a round over Nexelø island:

Waived good night to the city of Holbæk, before landing at home:

The evening was finished with a cup of tea and an ice-cream in Holbæk flying club:

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