Home Flying tripsDenmark Pentecost holidays 2020. Day 5: Visiting Randers flying club

Pentecost holidays 2020. Day 5: Visiting Randers flying club

by Natalie Kjaergaard

When Henrik and I came to the Fur’s aerodrome, there was one more ultralight aircraft parked – Michael was also on the island:

We took pictures of his brand new Faeta, before heading for Randers:

In Randers, we had a lunch appointment with Ole Steen Hansen, who is an author of many interesting books, professional photographer, journalist, lecturer, and of course a pilot:

We were lucky to see this beautiful Yak-52 refuelling and later flying:

The weather was warm and nice, and we had our lunch in the garden:

A short local flight together with Steen:

Randers Fjord was so lovely in the sunlight, we took many pictures there:

Landing back in Randers on runway 07 (photo: Ole Steen Hansen):

Randers flying club from taxiway:

We spent several hours there, talking about flying, watching different aircraft, meeting club members… When Henrik and I took off, Steen took a very nice photo of us (photo: Ole Steen Hansen):

We were flying home, to Holbæk:

It was almost a pity to go home, but we have had 5 good days together. Stayed on the island of Fur for 4 nights, spent a full day on Læsø island, explored Fur on bike and on foot, had a good time in Randers, and were full of wonderful experiences. It was about time to go home.

Henrik and I had a great holiday together, surely not the last time!

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