Home MaintenanceAeroprakt OY-9797 service, 200 hours

OY-9797 service, 200 hours

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Saturday morning was really nice, cold and with lots of sunshine. I had difficulties getting out of bed – would so much liked to sleep longer! But I wanted to have a flight before our agreed meeting time with Lars, because I knew the weather was going to deteriorate during the day. And when you get up early, the day becomes longer, which is nice 🙂

The Aviator and I took off. It was surprisingly turbulent and gusty, but manageable (good for training!). The forests around Holbæk began getting beautiful autumn colours.

The town of Holbæk looked a bit sleepy:

Løvenborg Castle; it has been a long time…

At home, in Holbæk flying club, other pilots were also enjoying some local flights:

Soon Lars arrived and we got started.

Boye came by, and we with a great interest listened about the smart solutions he invented for his Pipistrel:

We also discussed different other topics, here on example of Thomas’ Zenair:

Doing service on your own aircraft is a pleasure. It takes whole day, but you don’t notice how quickly time flies.

Short lunch break in our warm club house:

And back to the hangar. My new carb floats indicated perfect weight:

When we were finished, I warmed up the engine, and we monitored the readings – everything worked fine. It was raining – perfect timing for doing hangar work:

Many thanks to Lars for giving a hand! I always learn so much, every single time we work or fly together!

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