Home Flying clubs Midsummer in EKHK and EKGL

Midsummer in EKHK and EKGL

by Natalie Kjaergaard

My OY-9797 was a bit dusty after standing in the hangar for a while, and I decided to give it a proper wash:

It was Midsummer evening, or Sankt Hans, as we call it in Denmark. In my flying club in Holbæk, some of the members and their guests were celebrating. Flemming and I joined, and whilst I was washing my aeroplane, Flemming was preparing  our dinner:

After the dinner, I wanted to test my new tent.  It wasn’t that new – I bought it in France, when learning mountain flying with Gillles, but I haven’t used it yet (have other tents).

It is a one-person tent with a total weight of 1.6 kg (well, the manufacturer promised 1.0 kg!), and it doesn’t fill much. Perfect to take on a flight trip!

Even Flemming could easily be in it:

He decided to by one too, so that we could sleep in our own tents under the wings, when on a tour.

That evening, I just wanted to fly around and see the bonfires, but Flemming proposed to fly to his flying club in Gørløse – there was a big celebration of midsummer. He got us PPR, and we took off.

We were lucky to meet a hot air balloon on our way, from Hot Air :

It is always a great experience, to meet such a beauty in the air! We waved to the crew and their passengers, they waved to us, and we took some pictures.

Soon Flemming and I were landing in EKGL:

A hangar was open (some people were flying), and I could say hello to two gliders, I flew long time ago, when I was a  member: OY-CXL and OY-XOD:

We went to the club house where the dinner party was in full swing. Rikke and Glenn, enjoying the ice-cream with strawberries:

We were invited too, and got generous portions!

Unfortunately we couldn’t stay for the bonfire and needed to fly back. It was very nice to see all those old pilot-friends, I spent years together with.

Roskilde fjord on our way home:

There were also some big bonfires here and there:

Flemming and I stayed in the air till the sun went completely down. We took many nice pictures.

It was wonderful to celebrate the midsommer with such a good weather!

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