Home Flying trips Long weekend in Kołobrzeg. Old town

Long weekend in Kołobrzeg. Old town

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Kołobrzeg was established in the 10th century and expanded during the Middle Ages. About 80% of the town was destroyed in 1945, by the end of WWII. One of the few buildings left was the Old Town Hall from the 19th century:

I stayed in the old town, and thought it would be interesting to experience more of it. One day I dedicated a couple of hours to just walking around. A modern sculpture of a girl taking a selfie, I loved it:

Interesting combination – an ATM and a beauty salon:

Old Water Tower from the 19th century, today a brewery and a restaurant:

I tried to eat at home, so that I would eat smaller portions. Not that I succeeded, but at least I tried 🤣 Potato pancakes – they tasted so good!

Pedestrian area of the old town (street where I stayed) was full of shops and restaurants:

The red brick building on the photo below was a tenement house from the 15th century. Completely destroyed during the WWII, it was carefully restored in 1957 – 1963. Nowadays, it is a museum.

By the end of that street, right in the heart of the town, there was a military museum:

I didn’t want to go. I’ve seen enough of military museums, there are too many weapons in the world, and I’d rather spend my lifetime on something else, like … beach 😅

And beaches in Kołobrzeg and the coast in general were so clean and beautiful.

Walking back home in the evening, I stopped by the Post Office – nice building and lots of roses:

At home, I was having a bath every morning and every evening. The bathtub was super modern and comfortable, and I just enjoyed that relaxation time I gave to myself:


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