Home Flying tripsDenmark Island of Sejerø on a sunny afternoon in April

Island of Sejerø on a sunny afternoon in April

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Last Friday Henrik and I headed for Sejerø – a small 12.5 km2 island in Kattegat:

It is a short flight from Holbæk, my home flying club, around half an hour, if you do a round over the island as well:

Jørgen, the owner of the airstrip, welcomed us in:

The spring was in full bloom on Sejerø:

Henrik and I headed for the north-western point tip of the island, called Gniben, where the Sejerø Lighthouse is standing on a 15m high hill:

The sea on the western side was very calm, and I regretted I didn’t bring my bikini. With the wind from northwest, the sunny side was completely shielded, and would be perfect for a swim.

Henrik and I found a nice place on the hill below the lighthouse. It was so nice to lie down on the grass, and so warm in the sun. We were actually having a nap, but got disturbed several times by visitors – and there were so many of them!

I began flying drone, and took many good pictures. It was a bit gusty, and I didn’t fly my drone too high:

We later had to move down the hill, to get rid of all those visitors, but there we got disturbed by dogs that wanted to steal our food! Normally there are very few people around, and that’s why I love Sejerø so much. Only on an Open Island Day there are many guests – it is quite nice, and I recommend visiting Sejerø on that day. You can read more here.

The views were spectacular:

We didn’t want to do anything in particular, just relaxed and enjoyed the day. On our walk, the Aviator wanted to explore the wooden model of the Sejerø Lighthouse, but it was close due to COVID-19 restrictions:

We got back to the airfield, and prepared to fly back home.

Jørgen was chatting to a neighbour:

We waived goodbye and took off:

A round over the lighthouse and Gniben:

Sejerø harbour:

At home, in Holbæk, we had a cup of tea in the clubhouse, before going home:

Very nice day indeed. Many thanks to Jørgen for keeping the runway and thus making it possible for us pilots to visit the island on wings!

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