Home Pilots I’m a hangar owner!

I’m a hangar owner!

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Last Friday I became a hangar owner. Paul and I signed off all the necessary papers, and shaked our hands:

I felt so happy! And I still do. Three years waiting time to rent a hangar place, two years – to buy it. Well, it could have taken much longer time… It’s not difficult to buy an aeroplane, but it can take ages to find a hangar place. And to own it yourself – the biggest headache is over now! I’m so greatful to Paul for selling me his hangar part!

After all that paper work, we went for a short flight.

I wanted to test the PTT-switch for my Yaesu 850L in the air, and Paul kindly agreed to help me. When I did a test on the ground with Lars, there was noise every time I pressed the switch.

In the air, the PTT-switch worked perfectly. I also tested with COIF, and we were reading each other 5.

We did a bit of local flying, before returning back to Holbæk flying club.

My place in the hangar is facing south, with a neighbouring field and three curious horses:

After cleaning my Aeroprakt, I took out my drone (it has been a long time!), and placticed low flying:

Needless to say, after such a historic event, I didn’t even want to go home 🙂

When I go to bed, I often send my prayers of gratitude to people in my life, who did something special for me, made a mark, or just because I want to send them my good thoughts. Now Paul is also added to those “angels”.

P. S.  Two days later, I had a flight accident. Nothing happened to me, but my beloved OY-9797 is damaged. I will write about it when I’m ready.


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Erik+Lyngholm+Pedersen 6 June 2022 - 19:12

Et meget stort tillykke med din nyerhvervelse.

Natalie Kjaergaard 6 June 2022 - 20:34

Tak, Erik!

Rene 6 June 2022 - 22:43

Tillykke med hangaren!

Jeg er ked af at høre om OY-9797 men godt at høre at du er ok.

Natalie Kjaergaard 7 June 2022 - 07:37

Tak, Rene!

Flemming 9 June 2022 - 08:11

Øv med uheldet. Det er jeg ked af at høre.
Du er velkommen til at skrive, hvis du får brug for at komme i luften igen.

Natalie Kjaergaard 9 June 2022 - 19:58

Tak for støtten, Flemming. Jeg får helt sikkert brug for at komme i luften. Skriver senere.

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