Home MaintenanceAeroprakt Hangar work in November sunshine

Hangar work in November sunshine

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Lars and I were surprised how the weather turned out to be last Sunday – with lots of sunshine; it was nice, light and warm in the hangar whole day:

We wanted to do a couple of small things, and I prepared the instruments:

Checking the air filter was fun – I’ve never seen anyone opening it (which doesn’t mean nobody does it):

It showed up to be a K&N air filter:

After 2-3 hours of work we took a lunch break, with shrimp salad on the menu:

Doing 200 hours service in October, we noticed a rubber gasket was cracked. Lars had prepared a new one as a replacement, a bit thicker, but we needed to get the old one out first:

It had multiple cracks, and it was very good to change it:

We put the new one in place, it fitted very well:

I had noticed earlier, one of the screws on the cowling of my Aeroprakt was a kind of worn, and it got replaced:

In the end, there was tea and dark chocolate, and of course, some paperwork:

I enjoy working together with Lars, and appreciate his help very much. We work good together – quickly and having fun. I always learn something new, and often forget some of it 🙂 After such working days in the hangar, I leave with a list of new things I need to buy – like instruments, pliers, screws, you name it! And every time I (mistakenly) believe, this is the last list 🙂 But having the right instruments is important, and also a pleasure to use.

My Aeroprakt was more than ready for new adventures. Let’s see where the winter weather will bring us to.

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Barbara Erazo-Nielsen 17 November 2021 - 04:14

Hard work! Nicely done!!

Natalie Kjaergaard 20 November 2021 - 16:57

Thank you, Barbara!

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