Home EventsCompetitions Gliding championship in NSF

Gliding championship in NSF

by Natalie Kjaergaard

During 22nd – 24th April 2016 a gliding competition (1st part of Zealand’s championship 2016) took place in NSF (Nordsjællands Svæveflyveklub) – North Zealand’s gliding sport centre located in Gørløse http://www.glider.dk/.

17 sailplanes from different gliding clubs from Zealand area of Denmark participated in this annual competition http://www.glider.dk/sm2016. The weather was rather challenging, but we flew every day.

All days started from briefings with information about runway condition, weather, and practical staff:

After briefings there was time to prepare for the task:

And then all sailplanes were lined up on RWY28 ready to go:

In the air we were sometimes 6 sailplanes in one thermal bubble, and it was interesting to observe how others managed the climb. There were many experienced pilots among the participants which made this competition challenging.

There was sunshine, blue sky, rain, snow – almost all at once! The skies were beautiful, but one had to carefully chose where to fly.

On de-briefings we got the results, and on the last day – a summary, and the winners were called:

There was lots of excitement and a very nice friendly spirit among all attending – not only pilots, but also ground staff, members and guests. All in all, successful, challenging, exciting, and very well organized competition!